Analyse TMF



OAD offers a unique service: the TMF-Analysis (Technical, Marketing and Financial), which aims to help project leaders to develop the business plan for their project design / aircraft construction. The OAD offers a unique service: the TMF-Analysis (Technical, Marketing and Financial), which aims to help project leaders to develop the business plan for their project design / aircraft construction.
The TMF-Analysis includes:

  • A technical analysis,
  • A competition analysis,
  • A financial analysis.

The Technical analysis consists to perform the conceptual design of the project. The Marketing analysis aims to analyse the competitors and assessing potential market size. The Financial analysis allows to quantify the R&D costs, as well as the manufacturing and operating costs in order to fix the selling price of the product, to follow the cash-flow and determine the breakeven point, according to different scenarios (3).

The TMF-Analysis is essential and should be done as soon as possible. It will give a clear idea of the budget required to conduct the project. The TMF-Analysis will also be used to plan the evolution of financial needs. Moreover, this analysis is essential to validate the initial specifications and adjust them if necessary.

The TMF-Analysis may be performed incrementally. The basic analysis gives a clear idea of the budget required for the project. This information is vital before making the decision to become more involved in the project. To quantify the profitability of the project, it will be necessary to make a deeper technical, marketing and financial analysis.

Don't hesitate to contact us ( if you want to get a copy of a TMF-Analysis report. We will send you the price list at the same time.


Analyse TMF Analyse TMF Analyse TMF


Rue de l'Yser, 31
5020 Namur - Belgium

Phone: +32 (0)497.90.96.96


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